The following information is taken from our polices and procedures a full and complete copy can be found next to the signing in book and is available for you to read.
As part of Government funding every child aged 2 years old is entitled to 15 hours free childcare places. This funding comes in to place the term after your child turns 2 years old. The Government also offers 30 hours free childcare and other tax benefits to those families who qualify. If your child qualifies for the 30hrs you will need to provide the pre-school with your allocated DERN number the term before your child attends. Please note that two identification documents need to be seen and copied for the setting to apply for the funding and you will be asked to complete a parental contract. For further information, please speak to the lead practitioner
Fee’s can be paid either at the start of each half term for the whole half term or weekly. Fees by cash or cheque (made payable to Stanion Pre School) can be paid on a Monday and Friday morning only to the pre-school treasurer who will check the amount and give you a receipt. We would prefer fees to be paid by bank transfer (please ask for account details) but cash will be accepted. Fees are still payable if your child does not attend. Please advise the setting when your child is absent by telephone or email. We ask for a month’s notice or month’s fees if your child leaves the pre-school before the end of the academic year.
All children are encouraged to behave sensibly and to respect other people and their belongings. Positive re-enforcement is used to encourage good behaviour. If a child is constantly disruptive during pre-school sessions they may be withdrawn from the activities with an adult for a calming down period. Any such incidents will be discussed confidentially with the parent/carer. The use of bad language and violence is unacceptable. Physical punishment is never used.
Children are provided with a snack during the session. We operate a rolling snack system, which means that children are free to have their snack when they are ready. This ensures that the children are not disturbed when involved in an activity. The emphasis is on independence and children are encouraged to butter their own bread, pour their own drinks and clear away once they have finished. Stanion pre-school operates a healthy eating policy where we offer a range of healthy snacks such as fruit, yogurts. A choice of milk and water is offered and drinking water is always available to the children.
Nappies & Toilet Training
We are happy for your child to attend regardless of their stage in toilet training. However, we ask parents / carers to understand that the pre-school is an exciting place for children and toilet training while going well and home may go backwards for a short period of time. We would also like parents to note that the setting believes that children have rights and if a child refuses to have their nappy changed the staff will not force the child. This is particularly important during the settling in stage when staff are building trusting relationships with the child. However, all reasonable attempts to encourage the child will be made. For children who are in nappies we ask parents to provide nappies, wipes and nappy sacks and lots of changes of clothes.
Medication/Sick Child
We ask that you do not send your child to pre-school if they are sick or unwell. In the event that your child becomes poorly whilst in our care you will be contacted to come and collect them. If we are unable to get in contact with you, we will call the alternative contact person. Any medications should be handed into the office and you will be asked to sign a medication form.
The main door is locked approximately 10 mins after the start of a session once all the children have arrived. A bell is on the door should anyone arrive after this time. Anyone unfamiliar to staff will be refused entrance and asked for identification / password. Visitors are asked to sign in on arrival and hand in any mobile phones. The door is unlocked at the end of the session for the collection of children. Where possible anyone other than the designated person should be introduced to the lead practitioner beforehand if they are collecting the child and use the appropriate password. Once a child has been handed over to a parent / carer the child then becomes that person’s responsibility.
The lead practitioner is responsible for Safeguarding and all staff are aware of their responsibility to report any concerns they have with regard to the abuse of children. In the event of an allegation all procedures will be adhered to accurately, responsibly and confidentially. Where it is felt there is need the setting will refer the child to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) or Police without parental permission. Parents are reminded that it is everyone’s duty to protect children against abuse of any kind. Information about “what to do if you are worried that a child is being abused” is displayed on the notice board in the reception area alongside agencies you can contact such as the NSPCC and other organisations.
Health and Safety
We operate a non-smoking policy which applies to all staff, parents and visitors of the pre-school. Please dress your child in appropriate clothing that the child can manage themselves. For example, dungarees are difficult for children to take up and down as they go to the toilet. We also ask that your child wears clothing that you are happy to get covered in paint/glue etc. Although we do put aprons on the children, accidents often happen. We also ask all parents to leave a full change of clothes in case the child has an accident. The children belongings should be kept in a named bag in the cloakroom. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure their child’s bag contains these items.
We suggest that children do not wear jewellery; if a child wears earrings, we ask that these are studs. We are happy for children to bring items from home to pre-school but the pre-school is not be responsible for loss or damage of these items.
In the event of an accident, a first aider will see to the child immediately to assess how serious it is. If it is a minor, incident the child will be dealt with and you will be asked to sign the accident report by a member of staff. In the case of a major accident, you will be contacted immediately and the child will be given appropriate treatment.
Special Needs & Disabilities
We encourage the involvement of all children regardless of their needs and abilities. If you consider your child to have special needs or a disability, this should be discussed with the lead practitioner as soon as possible to ensure the best care is given to your child.
Equal Opportunities
We treat all children as individuals and with equal concern. All children and their families are respected for the individuality and are not discriminated against for any reason. Children are encouraged to develop positive attitudes to one another regardless of race, gender, religion, culture and ability.
Children’s Online Learning Journeys
Children attending Stanion Pre-School have a personal on-line Learning Journey which records photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us.
We use Tapestry, a system, which is hosted in the UK on secure servers. These servers confirm to very high environmental standards and are proactively managed 24 hours a day. Each Tapestry account has its own database and the code itself is developed using hack-resistant techniques. Filenames are encoded for uploaded, videos and images, making Tapestry a safe and secure on-line Learning Journey tool. The benefits to yourselves from Tapestry being on-line means you will have secure access (via a website which you login to using your email address and a password) to your child’s Learning Journey and, in addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments, or commenting on observations made by us.
We have our own secure Tapestry website, which once you have provided the school with an e-mail address, we will be able to set you up with an account. We will also give you detailed information on how to view/use your child’s Learning Journey. If you do not have access to e-mail your child is still able to have an online Learning Journey which you can access through the use of school computer equipment during specific dates throughout the year. In order for your child’s Learning Journey to be created please give us permission by completing the attached slip. Also, if you provide your E-mail address, we will set up an account enabling you to access your child’s learning journey via the secure Tapestry website for your child’s class. (Please note each parent only has access to their own child’s Learning Journey)
Please be aware that your child may appear in other children’s observations.
Your login details and password will be emailed to you in due course. If you do not have access to a computer, please speak to a member of staff who will enable you to look at your child’s online journal. If you experience any difficulties, please speak to a member a staff to ensure that the problem in fixed.
Early Help Assessment (EHA)
If your child or family are having difficulties either educationally, emotionally, physically or financially the pre-school maybe able to sign post you to some help outside of the pre-school. If you are experience issues in a number of areas the pre-school can offer you an Early Help Assessment (EHA) where we can consolidate the issues and provide a holistic approach from a number of agencies. If a member of staff feels that you and your family may benefit from an Early Help Assessment you will be asked if you would like one or you can approach a member of staff and ask for an EHA to be completed. The pre-school cannot complete an EHA without your permission and all information will be treated with the upmost confidentiality.
Confidentiality is very important to us. Any private conversations between parents and staff are kept private as is the children personal information and files. Unless we are obliged to do so, please see Information Sharing.
Information Sharing
Privacy Notice
Parents will be issued with a Privacy Notice before a child starts at the setting. The privacy notice sets out what information we collect, why we collect it, how we store it, who we share it with and how long we keep the information. Parents are advised that they can withdraw consent at any time by contacting the Lead professional at Stanion Pre-School. Parents are also advised that should they wish to see the information the setting holds they should put this request in writing to the lead professional at Stanion Pre-School, Cardigan Road, Stanion, NN14 1BY.
If you have a complaint, please speak to your child’s key worker. If the issue has not been resolved you can then talk to the lead practitioner who initially will try to resolve the issues and will inform the committee. If the lead practitioner is unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction the Trustees will decide on any further action. If you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been dealt with you can contact
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 123 4666
Email: enquires
If you have any questions please speak to the Lead Practitioner, Claire Sanders.
Our Aims and Objectives
Stanion Pre-School Privacy Notice
Stanion Pre-School , Cardigan Road, Stanion, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 1BY
Personal data is protected in accordance with data protection laws and used in line with your expectations. This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal data and the procedures we have in place to protect it.
When we refer to “we”, “us” or “our”, we mean Stanion Pre-School.
What personal data we collect
Why we collect personal data and the legal basis for handling your data
We use personal data about you and your child in order to provide childcare and early education services and to fulfil the contractual arrangement you have entered into. This includes using your data in the following ways:
With your consent, we would also like to:
Who we share your data with
As a registered early years provider in order to deliver childcare and early education services it is necessary for us to share data about you and/or your child with the following categories of recipients:
We will also share your data:
How do we protect your data?
Where do we store your data?
How long do we retain your data?
We retain your data in line with our retention policy a summary is below:
Your rights with respect to your data
As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can:
How to ask questions about this notice
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this notice or how we handle your data please contact the manager at the setting.
How to contact the Information Commissioner Office (ICO)
If the manager is not able to address your concern, please contact [Insert details of setting manager’s line manager/owner/director/trustee]
If you are concerned about the way your data is handled and remain dissatisfied after raising your concern, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or
Changes to this notice
We keep this notice under regular review. Any changes to this notice will be shared with you so that you may be aware of how we use your data at all times.
Lunch Club
If you would like your child to attend lunch club you just need to bring your child in to the setting with their packed lunch. Lunch club costs £6.00. You can pay on the day or have it added to your bill. Children who access the 30hr funding do not pay for lunch club.
We have a no nuts policy
Please provide your child with a healthy balanced lunch
NHS suggest;
The BBC Good Food website have a good website that contains some pack lunch ideas.
We need your consent to load the translations
We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.